In 2018 when I started doing fully online events I was very skeptical about the events because I felt that online conferences wouldn’t offer the Peer to Peer networking that I had grown accustomed to through in person events.
For me networking, community building, and small group discussions, were an essential part of events. I didn’t mind starting the conversation online but I believed to truly seal the deal an in person connection must be established.

Through make shift solutions such as creating Facebook, Linkedin, and Google groups I was able to have a space where event attendees could “keep the conversations going” and digitally meet each other.
This solution was working well but I knew there had to be something else out there. In late summer 2019 I attended a colleagues online networking event and discovered that something else.
Upon entering the event I thought it would be a Zoom or webinar style event where I could passively participate from my phone. WRONG! At the time there wasn’t even a mobile version of the platform available ( now there is and it’s great! I still personally prefer the desktop version). I got my laptop and was ready to dive in. Once on the platform I was instantly intrigued. The layout was this island design much like Sims or online adventures games.

On the island there were 19 areas where people could virtually sit. Some were tables and a few lounge couches. The space was designed to look like a real event or networking space with features such as a water cooler, laptops on tables, and coffee tables next to lounge couches. It was pretty cool! In each seating area there were 2-6 people, you could screen share, white board, and turn on your camera and mic. When at your table you could only see and hear your table members. To move to another table you just had to double tap. There was also a standard chat box for people to further engage. Attendees could also customize their profiles to include their names, photos, titles, and direct links to their Linkedin and calendar booking apps.
My mind was blown! This was the first time I had experienced something like this in the virtual world. I asked the event organizer how I could learn more about the platform because I needed this tool and a rush of event ideas came through my mind. Speed networking, networking events, virtual conferences, office hours, online learning mini courses, study groups and much more.
The greatness didn’t stop there.

The host could additionally go into “presentation mode”. This is where the main presenter(s) could go on the stage and lead a keynote presentation, workshop, lesson, panel discussion or other content. In the presentation mode the attendees communicate through the chat box and can ask questions in the Q&A area.
Remo was the first all in one solution that brought the real life event experience to the virtual world. This platform was a game changer! I started spreading the word about Remo and realized that many others had never heard of the platform either.
I got connected with the Remo team, subscribed to the platform, and spent the last few months becoming a Remo Expert and Brand Ambassador. I have produced many of my own events plus events for colleagues and clients on the Remo platform.
Interested in learning more about Remo?
If you’re interested in doing virtual Conferences and events, here’s how I can help
I’ve created various free and paid resources for those looking to do online events.
There are: DIY (Do it yourself ) options, DIT ( Do it together) and DFY ( Done for You )